Friday, November 25, 2011

The Day After...

After Thanksgiving that is, which is wonderful! Everyone treats it like a holiday, even though it's just a Friday.

A completely magical Friday!

The Friday after Thanksgiving means that Christmas festivities and music can begin in our house! It means leftover pie for breakfast! It means turkey sandwiches for lunch...and dinner! It means watching football and lounging in sweats all day! It means minimal chores! It means online Christmas shopping (and 4am shopping if I'm feeling crazy and have a shopping buddy)! Most importantly it means that I get to spend time with my favorite people in the world!

Aly has taken to acting like the most adorable puppy ever recently!

Aly and Daddy just before our Thanksgiving feast (Gerber Turkey, Rice, and Veggies for Aly. She also had rolls and pumpkin pie, like a whole piece)!

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