Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let Us Relish Life

My dear friend, Megan, invented a great way to be sure we do not squander our lives in front of the television or computer. She created live lists. We are all invited to join her in her quest to live life to the fullest.

"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family.
One day each of us will run out of tomorrows." Thomas S. Monson

Here is my Live List for 2010 (red or linked ones are completed):

1. Smash a cake into my husband's face
2. Hike in Rocky Mountain National Park
3. Create a Nelson family mantra and display it in my home
4. Read the following books: Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, The Help, Emma, The Glass Castle, Animal Farm, Mere Christianity, The Princess Bride, My Sister's Keeper, The Bourne Identity, Machete Season, and Huckleberry Finn
5. Walk down the 16th St Mall and buy a little treasure
6. Make a paper chain to countdown to some event
7. Visit Colorado's capital building
8. Get into a food fight
9. See the sunrise from the flatirons
10. Go puddle jumping
11. Attend a theatrical event
12. Star gaze with my astrophysicist husband
13. Make a completely new meal full of foods I have never tried before
14. Surprise Nick at school with a homemade lunch
15. Get into an indoors water fight
16. Invite friends over for a formal night of games, music, and dancing
17. Pretend like its the weekend on a weekday, only have fun instead of cleaning
18. Make-out at the school in Monmouth, OR (no pictures for this one)
19. Attend a Rockies baseball game
20. Climb a tree
21. Play at a park
22. Attempt slalom water skiing
23. Roast a hot dog and marshmallow over an open fire, or stove
24. Read and share The Book of Mormon
25. Laugh until I pee a little
26. Hold an informal photo shoot with cute little people
27. Wake up in the middle of the night, watch a movie, and drink cocoa
28. Eat at a delicious hole-in-the-wall restaurant
29. Go thrift store shopping for fabulous accessories
30. Buy and keep a houseplant alive
31. Babysit for a friend so they can enjoy a date and I can enjoy their kids
32. Have an indoor and outdoor picnic
33. Send Dad a postcard
34. Give someone in need a care package
35. Score over 100 at bowling
36. Get into a pillow fight
37. Play with my camera until I can use all its features effectively
38. Participate in a 5K run
39. Go to one of these great free museums in Colorado
40. Find and feed some ducks
41. Attend an event on the main street in my town

A quote by Elder Jeffery R. Holland in the January Ensign is "Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the 'high priest of good things to come.'" These great things for the future should be seized and embraced!


  1. I'm soooo loving your list! It's linked on my page here! You are so awesome.

  2. I was thinking today about doing the same thing myself today! You've got an awesome list! Oh, and I'll help you out on one of those things. You are more than welcome to my kids! I'll even put you up for the weekend! LOL! ;)

  3. I like you live list. I also have one.
