Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hello Friends!

Wanna know something that a physicist and data analyst love? Numbers and graphs. Wanna know what does that and is related to blogging? Google Analytics. It's a lot of fun for us, especially the map feature where we can see where everyone who looks at our blog is looking from. So, here's a couple shout outs to our friends (people we actually know, people we've talked to online, and people we'd love to get to know) in the following places of the world:

United Arab Emirates
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
Pelotas, Brazil
Vancouver/Calgary/Edmonton, Canada
Every state in the U.S. (with special shout outs to Utah, Oregon, Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, and North Carolina--that last one was a surprise to us, too)

If I missed you on the list, leave a comment or send an email and say hello! We'd love to get to know you better!

Here is our niece, Kaitlyn, waving hello to you (she's a pretty friendly gal):


elyssa said...

ha, well now that i've been outed... i'm your thai stalker! just a fellow on-the-road-to-adoption friend. thanks for your optimism! and, you know, for not making your blog private so i can lurk without troubles ; )

SarahJane said...

Hey this is DMZ's sister. Saw you at the sealing/lunch. When you take your Alaska cruise I'm the one who'll take you hiking on a glacier.