It was my birthday on Wednesday, which was like any other day for the most part until I got home from class (and yes, I did take in treats to celebrate). Nicholas surprised me with a carrot cake and some pretty sweet presents.
This book is one of my favorite children's books, perhaps because I can relate to the protagonists attachment to his favorite yellow blanket, known as "Fuzzy." It's written by Kevin Henkes along with a number of other mouse classics like Chrysanthemum, Lily, Julius the Brave, and Chester's Way. All must haves for any library, and we're well on our way!

This is an example of my second gift, a lens for my camera, and for those who care, it's a 18-55mm, which means we can now take pictures by just holding out the camera. This is what I really wanted, and Nicholas totally delivered! With some birthday money from the in-laws I will continue to grow my camera gizmos and ordered today a couple filters and an additional battery. As you can see, I LOVED my presents.

As many of you know, steak is one of my absolutely favorite foods, so Nick took me to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. This is a picture of my ginormous drink and Nick looking fierce behind it.

Talk about fierce though, I ate 3 rolls, a house salad, an 8 oz. steak, a side of fries, and 2 of those monstrous drinks! You better recognize! (Nicholas didn't eat nearly that much; when it comes to steak and fries, I can pack it away!)

After coming home from all that eating, we still had a birthday cake to eat and wishes to make. I really enjoy being sung to, which is obvious from the thrill expressed in this picture as Nick was singing the "Birthday Song" (of course!).

After failing miserably in eating my cake, we decided to allow the digestion process to occur while enjoying a great piece of literature on the couch.

Aside from having to go to class and a lack of family to share my special day with, I would say the celebration of the completion of my 23rd year of life was a smash! We hope to see you all in a year, it is going to be off the hizzle!
Mmmmm...I LOVE Texas Roadhouse! Glad you had an awesome birthday! :D
I love the picture of you two on the couch with your new book!
happy birthday! Hope you had a good one. that looks like a good book.
Texas Roadhouse kicks butt! I'm glad you had a good birthday celebration! :)
I have to admit, our celebration of your birthday was pretty epic. Okay, so maybe epic is a little too GRAND of a word, but it was close. ;) I can't wait to see your camera collection!
Did you say you got a new lens?!!! Exciting! I love the pictures and the way you celebrate. I am turning 30 next month. You have inspired me--I am going to embrace it and PaRtAy!!! :)
We LOVE "Owen" and other Kevin Henkes books- good choice! I'm glad to see that Nick gave you such a great b-day!(I'm not surprised though-You have a great hubby!) Happy Birthday!
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