Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Do Bunnies Do? Hop pop!

Seriously, what happened to October?

But since Thanksgiving is next week (HOLY COW!), I suppose I should post our Halloween costumes from last month. You wanna see? Promise not to be critical and instead focus on how cute Alexa is! Okay, I'll share.

So I'm a little reserved about the success of this year's costumes because of this: Alexa is supposed to be Peter Rabbit, but she has no coat...so she's just a rabbit, making me just a rabbit mom instead of Peter's, Floppsy's, Moppsy's and Cottontail's mom, and making Nick a farmer instead of Mr. McGreggor.

Alexa was so cute though, whatever bunny she was. I love our cute, little, confused family!

And to clarify, the title of the post is a conversation we have with Alexa a lot and is why I chose her to be a bunny, because I thought it might be something she chose to do herself:

Mom/Dad: "What do bunnies do, Alexa?"
Alexa: "Hop pop." [While tapping feet]

Too cute!

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