Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Birthday, Suzy!

Dear Suzy,

I know you can't read this because as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you're not allowed to use the Internet for anything other than emailing, but I thought I should express my thoughts anyway.

We are all so proud of you! Every last member of our family is so proud to be related to you!

The 4 Sullivan Sisters (Left to Right: Cindy, Me, Suzy, Jen)

You are for sure one of the most compassionate and loving people I know. It's so wonderful to see your love for others in action while you're on your mission.

Suzy with all her nieces and nephews

Someday, you are going to be an outstanding wife and mom and whatever else you want to be!

 Suzy and Nick's sister Cassidy at her wedding last summer

 My life has been richly blessed because I have been able to watch your example of faithfulness and love of God for the past 22-years.

Continue serving faithfully and diligently for the last half of your mission, and we'll all be waiting so very anxiously for your return home! So excited to see you in July!

Love Always,
Little Rae

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Rachel for posting this!!! I couldn't think of a way to honor Suzy on her special day.... I am so glad you did!
