Friday, September 28, 2012

The Newest Figurative Member of Our Family

Nick's family has a tradition of naming their unborn fetuses with silly names, like Bubba or Spud for example. When we found out Alexa was going to be born, we decided to name her The Lorax.

In this post I mentioned that my favorite Dr. Seuss book as a kid was The Lorax, so Nick's mom promptly sent us a stuffed version of the beloved tree-saving character.

So then, staying with the Dr. Seuss theme, we've planned ahead a bit this time and decided on a name for our next little Bambino, as well as purchased the corresponding stuffed version of it.

Without further ado, we proudly introduce The Sneetch!!

And Alexa is getting along swimmingly with The Sneetch! BFFs for sure!


She really does love those stuffed creatures, but let's not be too critical, she's only 19 months!

Welcome to the family Sneetch! We'll be taking you on little adventures until the real Sneetch can join us...and maybe even then, too, because Alexa seems to like you a lot!


  1. I love it! That's a cute idea! And Alexa is pretty cute herself ;)

  2. Oh man! I love the Sneetches! Where'd you get that doll?

  3. We got it off of Ebay for $15, but there are more expensive versions on Amazon and Ebay up to like $50. This was the cheapest new one we could find.
