Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why I Love Open Adoption Reason #837

Alexa with her birth mom and birth grandma.

On Saturday we met Alexa's birth grandma for the first time, and it was wonderful! She lives in Washington State and so we haven't been able to get together until then. I think we were all just a little nervous, none of us not really knowing what to expect. Let me just tell you right out that any fears we had were completely unfounded! It was a simple gathering filled with love, gifts, and pizza, and yet it was one of the most heart-warming experiences of our life thus far.

 Playing with Melissa on the swing set in their courtyard.

Playing with the blocks given to her by Ray and Melissa...exactly as they were meant to be used.

Getting comforted by her first Mommy.

Me, Melissa, and Melissa's Mom. Alexa was supposed to be in the picture, too, but her schedule was just slammed and she couldn't make it.

Alexa will be blessed her entire life knowing that she has two family groups who love her as their own. Both her adoptive family and birth family are her number one fans, her biggest supporters, and are those who pray for her daily. She has two sets of families who want nothing more than the best for her, who cheer her on, who will answer her toughest questions, and who will be there for her on her toughest days. I used to get a little jealous of those parents who could call their children their own and no one else's, but now I can't imagine a better life for my children than being able to share them with the people who love them just as much as we do! I am so excited to meet more of Alexa's birth family as time goes on, and am so happy for my daughter who gets to create eternal, loving ties with the people who love her enough to place her in our family!

Oh, how we love open adoption!

PS Ray is not in any pictures because he was on a scout campout with his son, Bjorn. They came up and saw us two weekends ago. Post to come!

1 comment:

  1. What a gift for Alexa, to be able to embrace both her biology and her biology -- following your lead.
