Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It Should Have Always Been

This summer Ray worked at a scout camp in Wyoming and along his way up and back down at the end of the summer he stopped by our place for a visit. Back in June he came and went to one of Alexa's swim practices with her and I, and a couple weeks ago he dropped by on his way home from camp with his son, Bjorn. He called that morning and things worked out for us to see them, which was so great! We went on a walk to the park and the creek near our home. We all really enjoyed ourselves!

After going down the slide together, sometimes things are a little crazy!

Creek near our home: so beautiful!

Creek near our home: so fun!

Ray and son Bjorn watching Alexa explore the creek

I think one of my favorite parts about open adoption is that over time it evolves into something that should have always been, but it took a little miracle to forge the friendship. Our relationship with Ray and Melissa is extremely casual and normal that I sometimes forget how extraordinary having a positive relationship and frequent interactions with our child's birth family is a pretty uncommon and uncomfortable idea for most other people.

Silly people. [Shakes her head disappointingly.]

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