Thursday, January 19, 2012

DIY Name and Birth Stats Print

Yup, I made that. For Alexa's room. Now, Nick thinks it's a little silly to put "word art" up in a room of someone who can't read it, but I figure decorating her room is not really about her at all at this point in her life. I like it, it's not my favorite thing ever, but it will spice up some wall space no problem.

Happy Thursday!


  1. I think its way cute! And in my opinion it is a good idea to have word art around, because it promotes interest in reading (to the little ones)! :) How are you going to display it?? I think it would super cute to get it printed on canvas (but probably spendy). I think Costco does it for like, $20.

  2. I printed it at home and put it in a spray-painted purple frame. It's cute!

  3. I love that! Would you be able to send me that template so that I can make one for my little boy?
    Many thanks!

  4. Happy to help! And I'm glad we got James a cute print for his room!

  5. Love it! Thank you! :)

  6. So cute!! Do you have a template that you wouldn't mind sending me? Thanks

  7. Hi Anonymous!

    I'd love to help you out but I need you to email me with your baby's information at Best!
