Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mom & Dad Nelson's 30th Aniversary

On December 29th, 1981 Nick's parent's were married and 29 years, 364 days later their children and grandchildren threw them a little party. It was great little party on the only day that (almost) everyone was able to be there - we missed you DaNeill, Keira, Aysa, and Phoebe - but it was a great chance to get together and celebrate what Mom and Dad have built over the past three decades.

Rachel (with a lot of help from Kandice, Jessica, Cassidy, Camille, and Aly) put together a lovely video of photos from the Nelson family's first 30 years.  Enjoy!

For those of you paying attention, yes, the date on the video is wrong.  Interestingly, all of Nick's siblings somehow got Mom and Dad's anniversary off by one day.  Nick said it was the 28th several months ago and somehow nobody caught the mistake (including Nick) until the start of the party when Mom mentioned that their anniversary was the 29th.

Mom and Dad go to all the trouble to raise us and we can't even be bothered to get their wedding date right.


  1. We'll never forget their anniversary date in the future! Life goes on I suppose...

  2. Very cute video! I love all the growing up pictures and the wonderful celebration of family!
