Friday, January 6, 2012

How We Spent Our Winter Vacation, by Rachel Nelson

We read classics (like That's Not My Dragon) with Grandpa.

We got re-acquainted with Uncle David.

We rode on The Polar Express with Cousins Joshua and Zachary and Grandma.

We tickled cousin Patrick with Aunt Jen (our friend Julie helped).

We watched cousins Anna and Kaitlyn share a tricycle.

We lounged (and then hit-up Taco Bell and Muchas Gracias later).

We played with Legos.

We opened Christmas gifts with Daddy.

We got make-overs (well, some of us did).

We went out for delicious!

We used a cup.

We posed for pictures.

 We went shopping.

 And we said goodbye.
Rachel's sister, Suzy, began an 18-month mission for the LDS church on the day we left Oregon. So exciting, but a bit sad also. 
To learn more about what she'll be doing, click here.

The end.


  1. Aly crying with her uncle is a priceless picture! And I love the cup in the eye...that was a good idea!
