Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happiness is...JCPenny's

After weeks and months apart, we finally were able to see Ray, Melissa, and Bjorn (Ray's 11-year old son) this past Saturday! It was the best visit ever!

We met at a mall and had lunch (mall food isn't great, but sometimes it hits the spot, ya know?). Then we walked around and actually ended up in JCPenny playing on some model beds. Pillows are one of Alexa's new obsessions. We had such a wonderful time and are so grateful for the family we adopted right along with Alexa!

This is Alexa's cheesy smile. 
She's starting to show off for the camera when we pull it out, which is both cute and 
frustrating because it means she stops doing what we were trying to get a picture of.

Can you see where she gets her beautiful smile...and eyes?

We can't wait until the next time we get to see them!

PS They gave Alexa a stuffed bear, which we thought should have a Christmas name, so we named him "Buddy, the Elf, the Bear." She loves laying her head on him!

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