Thursday, May 19, 2011

Isn't It Ironic, Don't Ya Think?

I'm a pear. Yes, my body shape is a pear. For most of my life I haven't really liked that about myself, but what can I do?

When I would get discouraged, one of my high school buddies would remind me that I have "perfect child-bearing hips," so when I had kids it would be easier on my body.

Isn't it ironic?

I've also started a weight management program--management because I have control, to some extent, over my body...pounds just don't disappear! So I did a little research and found this awesome information about my beloved pear body shape:

"Anyone can be a pear, but this shape is more common among women, and it actually evolved because fat stored in these areas aids in fertility and breast-feeding. It's an interesting fact — but I know as well as anyone that this type of fat is harder to lose."

Isn't it ironic?

And one of my favorite fashion sites which enoucourages me to be proud of my pear-shape says:

"lower figures imply divine fertility, and other popular prerequisites to fertility." (source)

Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think?

So I press forward with my infertile body chalk-full of fertile supporting elements. And yet, I remain optimistic that even though my fertility is out of my hands, the fat content of my fertile elements is not. Good luck to me!
Photobucket Photobucket

On a really exciting weight gaining note, Alexa weighs 10 lbs, has been promoted to Size 1 diapers, is growing out of many of her newborn sleepers (even the cute ones...tear), and is 13 weeks old tomorrow! Seriously, it's all going by too fast!

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