Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Thirteen #15: Reasons Why Dad's Rock!

No this is not a late Father's Day post, this is a precisely on time 4 days after Father's Day post. Check your calendar!

The dad's in my family rock because...

1. they are the only ones who still send postcards.
My daddy sent these to me over about 6 months. While in Wyoming I returned the favor.

2. they know the importance of beauty sleep.
My daddy with his granddaughter, Kaitlyn.

Brother-in-law, David, with his sleepy daughter resting on his shoulder.

My daddy sprawled out in the middle of the floor. Classic.

Nicholas enjoying a relaxing summer nap this afternoon.

3. they have Happy Hands.
Nick's Uncle Wayne idolizing Napolean Dynamite.

4. they swim with seals.
Brother-in-law, Kacey, swimming on the Oregon Coast and got some friends to join him. Awesome.

5. they let you help with breakfast.

Nick's cousin, Rob, rolling croissants with his son Russell.

6. they are extremely masculine.
Nick's brother, Chris. 'Nuff said.

7. their daughters are pretty cute!
Brother-in-law, Brian, with daughter, Aysa. So adorable!

Brother-in-law, David, helping daughter, Kaitlyn, get in her pajamas.

8. they know how to wrap a gift.
David and Kacey have this little gift-wrapping war going on. Yeah, that's all wrapping for 2 very small gifts on the floor.

9. they threaten to throw sand at you.

10. they turn into excellent grandfathers!
Nick's dad hugging his grandson, Zachary, goodbye.

Us with Nick's father's father...the man who showed him how to do the whole grandpa thing right!

11. they make the candy come out of that darn pinata!
 David helping the kids out a bit.

12. they teach the importance of rocking.
Nick's brother, Greg, rocking out on Guitar hero with his son, Zachary.

13. they show no mercy in dog piles.
My 3 sisters and I had no chance and being sissy with our dad around. Hard core, all the way!

I seriously don't know how our family got such a high concentration of quality dad's in the entire world, but it happened. Yeah, they're kind of a big deal!

Happy Thursday after Father's Day Dad's!! 
You are remarkable (hence my remarking about you) and we love you all!

Although, I have to give props to two of my favorite Dads:

the man who raised me to work hard and play hard

and the man who works hard while I play hard

They are the best dad's, and they both mean the world to me!

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