Monday, March 15, 2010

Real People Status

A long while back (maybe two years ago) I told Nick that we weren't technically "real people" yet because we did not meet either of the two qualifications: (1) home ownership or (2) children. I am happy to report that today Nick and I made a momentous step in achieving the first goal. We made an offer on a small 2 bedroom townhome about a mile away from our current place. Some of you have been asking for pictures, so here you go (WARNING: she's not much to look at now, but think potential and no teasing the not very careful photography):

This is what you see when you first walk in. No there are no doors on any of the closets, something to do.

This next one is of the front room/dining area. This is my favorite! Look at those floors! We'll be painting the walls a little less cotton candy and a little more...Awesome!

If you make a left in the picture you walk right past our gourmet kitchen. There is another side with more cabinets and a dishwasher, but I thought this was a better pic. Needs some love, and a fridge.

Continuing down the hall you will find on your left lovely bedroom #1. No, that's not shadow on the floor, that's grossness, so new carpeting will need to happen as well.

Linen closet between the two bedrooms. A place specifically for my towels and sheets just makes me happy!

Here's bedroom #2. Did I mention there are also no baseboards? Apparently the last tenants wanted to keep them.

Across the hall from the bedrooms are these two little beauties
Needs a shower head                       Needs some shelving

Keep walking down the hallway and you'll come to our spacious laundry room and then A GARAGE! Both need some wonderful things to fill them up, like our washer/dryer and car! Woo Hoo!

And, one of my favorite parts, if you just exit the sliding glass door in the front room you walk out into this Eden!
Okay, like the rest of it, it needs work, but just think: Summertime. BBQ. Friends. Boo. Ya-ha.

And just beyond the fence is a little common area, which can be accessed through the un-pictured gate in our picket fence! LOVE!
The fence on the left would be ours.

So, what do you think? How much do you love my (hopefully) little heaven on earth? If it works out, we'll let you know!


  1. Ooh, I'm excited! Its like I'M getting a house! So they took the baseboards, refrigerator, and showerhead with them? They must have invested in those things and thought they wanted them in their new residence. Teehee!

  2. So this one time your music post showed up on my google reader, and then it doesn't exist anymore, but I have a definite opinion, so I'm gonna share it.

    1. I have loved discovering new music through blogs I follow--especially since I don't listen to the radio anymore.

    2. HOWEVER--it usually bothers me when it just starts playing. Especially when it's all the way at the bottom of the blog. If it was right at the top on the side and easy to get to, I don't think it would bug me as much. But I hate having to scroll ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM to turn off the music if I'm not in the mood, or if Kirby's doing homework while I'm reading blogs...

    3. So, in short, I think having music on the blog is super fun, and a great way to show personality, etc., but I think it should be somewhere easy to find so it can easily be muted/paused if needed. Or started, if it doesn't start automatically.

    The end. :)

    p.s. It's crazy that you guys are looking into purchasing a home!!! PAH!

  3. The music post is gone for me too. But I like your music. I agree with Lauren though, having it toward the top is a good option.
