Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yeee Haw!

Howdy y'all! Last Friday night our ward had a hoedown/square dance and we had such a great time! Some of you may know that Nicholas does not enjoy dancing as much as I do, so dancing in any form is pretty rare. We both had a great time and learned a lot of cool square dancing moves like the classic doe-see-doe and the grand square. Only a couple times did I fear for my life! One wrong turn and all of a sudden you're about to be a sandwich! I haven't laughed as hard as that in a long time.

We also discovered a possible alternative to a Ph.D. for Nicholas: square dance caller! I admit my main motivation is the bow tie and sparkle shirt, but I digress. What an awesome and fun job that would be, and our Lou Rouze, seemed to really enjoy himself.

Here is a really awesome couple in the ward with matching outfits. They have done this a couple years now and I think picked them up along the way. The husband was real fun to dance with because he actually knew what he was doing!

As a side note, one of the best parts about ward activities is it gives me a chance to buy new clothes, so I got a new shirt and shoes. Might I recommend, however, that if you're going square dancing for more than an hour, look into some comfortable shoes, even if your new boots are super hot!

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