So I have very exciting news: I have a new job!! It's with Big Brothers Big Sisters. I think most people know who they are and what they do, but they're a mentoring non-profit organization that matches "at-risk" kids with adults who spend time with them. I'm just an administrative assistant, but I get a .70 pay raise, I'll only work part-time during school (as opposed to at the Y where over the summer they eat your life, making it hard to do school work), and most importantly I don't have sit on a bus with a bunch of cranky kids all summer to earn a living! It's a work-study program, so part of my pay is subsidized by the government. Also, because I have to be in school to participate, they know this job is not the #1 important thing in my life, and have been very understanding of my schedule and responsibilities. I've already decided my own schedule, including no work on Fridays! How awesome is that?! It's a wonderful opportunity to get some office/administrative experience and it's about 80 steps up from working at the YMCA! I did a phone interview, so I haven't met my boss yet, but she sounds great! Their office is also about a 5 minute walk from campus, and since our new apartment is right next to the bus stop I plan on riding the bus to Denver, walking 15 minutes, going to work, afterwards walking 5 minutes to class, then 15 minutes to the bus to go home. I am excited to get some administrative experience, even if it is only assisting.