Monday, January 11, 2010

Give Me the Simple Life

Hi! My name is Rachel Michelle. I have a simple name that fits with my simple life. A song from my childhood reminds me that "It's a gift to be simple, it's a gift to be free." The scriptures remind us also that "by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass." I don't know that I have done many great things, but here are some things I have done that may culminate into a great life by the time I am through:

1. I was born. On September 16, 1986 @ 4:52 pm I dazzled the world with my grace and charm for the first time. This momentous occasion happened in Oxnard, CA, strawberry capital of the world. Two years later my family moved to Oregon, setting the stage for many of my future simple accomplishments.

2. I was baptized. On September 18, 1994 in Keizer, OR I became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and got my very first jean jacket. It was whiteish with a lace heart on one of the front pockets.

3. I traveled to England with the Willamette Girlchoir and performed in the International Music Festival. Only 3 choirs from the United States were chosen to go. For 2 weeks in the summer before my 12th birthday I traveled overseas for the first time. I have not done so since, but would like to visit Italy, Brazil, France, and England again before I die.

4. I made my first television appearance in my 8th grade year when my violin was stolen from its case and placed on the nearby railroad tracks and smashed into pieces. The school sponsored a dance where all the proceeds went towards purchasing a new violin. This is more highlighting a simple thing done for me that impacted me forever.

5. I discovered my joy of photography. For a Young Women's project I decided to go to the Portland, OR Temple and take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Since then, I have loved taking pictures of just about everything! For my 22nd birthday Nicholas gave me my Nikon camera which I LOVE and is pretty much an extension of my arm.

6. I became a member of America's working class. In December of 2002 I began my over two year employment by Cold Stone Creamery. And yes, if you slip me a tip, I will still sing for you!

7. I graduated high school. In June of 2004 I threw my cap in the air and celebrated the culmination of my education as a minor. During my high school career I participated in early morning seminary (4 years), softball (4 years), choir (3 years), orchestra (2 years), soccer (2 years), basketball (1 year), honor society (1 year), and the school musical production (1 year).

8. I enrolled at Brigham young University. By August of 2004 I had made my way to Provo, UT where I began coursework as an undergraduate in Social Work. My major changed to Media Arts and then finished in Recreation Management and Youth Leadership. I worked as an early morning custodian, a supervisor in the food court (The Cougareat), and at a local youth recreation center.

9. I smashed cake into my future husband's face for the first time on October 14, 2004. I did not know that would turn into celestial bliss, but I have never regretted a good food smashing and I don't intend to start now.

10. I began my first full-time position. After graduation from BYU Nicholas and I moved to Colorado and I began working for the YMCA in their after-school care and summer camp programs. Shortly after beginning my Master's degree in January of 2009 I ended my employment to focus on getting my degree in Public Administration.

11. I (with Nicholas) decided to pursue adoption. We knew we wanted a family, and we knew we needed help doing so. Other than saying "yes" to Nick's proposal, I have never been more sure that a decision was right for my future family as was this simple choice.

Well, those are 11 simple things that exemplify my simple life up to this point. I look forward to all the future simple joys that will fill it up with excitement and adventure!


  1. Aw, Rachel :)
    This 'simple' post reminds me of why I love you so much and miss you bunches!

  2. I enjoyed this and learned some new things about you. I am so thankful to know you Rachel!
